Thursday, 28 November 2013

Wednesday, November 27th 2013

Unplanned absence from the gym on Tuesday morning after a late night, so that explains the no post.  One of the biggest downfalls of working out at 5:30 is that it can be really tough to wake up.

Yes, you read the title right.  I went to the gym (again) on a Wednesday.  I hate to admit it but I think that WOD Wednesday is growing on me, since metabolic conditioning is something that I should (not want to) work on.  That, and Botch convinced me.

16 Min AMRAP (Teams of 2)
Partner A completes one full round and then Partner B completes one full round

1 Rope Climb
2 Box Jumps 30"
3 Deadlifts @ 225#
4 T2B
5 Thrusters @ 95#

Score: 17 rounds.

Me and Botch teamed up for this one, not that I really had much of a choice since there were 4 of us at the gym.  All kidding aside, I really like working with him because he always pushes the pace.  Before starting, he wanted to aim for :30 rounds, which I thought was just a tad ambitious.  He started off the WOD and his round took just over :40, so the original plan was already out the window.  We kept a good pace throughout the WOD, with his rounds somewhere around :45-:50 and mine at about or just over a minute.

Rope climbs were excellent for about the first 4 rounds until my technique went downhill.  So bad that after we finished, Alex made a point to tell me how much my technique sucked when I got tired.  I agreed, for sure, but insisted I was happy with the progress I'd made on the first 4 rope climbs.  Box jumps were not a problem for us at all.  Deadlifts are probably Botch's best movement but I found myself taking a few extra seconds to set up properly because of a fear of hurting my back.  The setup was worth it - no back pain post-WOD.  I don't really like the T2B simply for the fact that I have yet to be able to link them one after the other.  Just means more time hanging on the bar, which is harder on the hands.  Thrusters were pretty easy, especially with the thought of rest in mind.

Overall, really good WOD, with a good partner. I feel like I'm getting better at these ones.

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