Friday, 22 November 2013

Friday, November 22nd 2013

Christmas came early.  Received the massive supplement order last night that I'd put in for a few different people so distribution was today.  I even washed all the shaker cups we'd ordered because I'm a great person.


5 Rounds of:

5 Strict Press
Rest 60secs
5 Strict Pull-ups
Rest 60 secs

These are two things that I can use lots of work on.  The strict press, and all press work for that matter, has been important for me in building upper body strength for movements like HSPU that I covered yesterday.  Did all five sets at 115#, which was a little challenging near the end but manageable.  The strict pull-ups are something I have struggled with a lot.  Looking way back to when I started CrossFitting, I had to use bands with lots of assistance to get a few reps in.  The progress I have made is good as I'm up to 3-4 strict pull-ups without a band now.  For this, I knew I would need some help so I enlisted the red band at first and then blue.  The blue was in rough shape so me and Kamil came to the conclusion that it was helping as much as advertised.  Placebo effect is good nonetheless.

Hero WOD: "DT"
5 rounds
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

Use a single bar for all movements.  155# is Rx, scale weight as needed.

Just a quick note here: Rx means as prescribed.  It is basically the way workouts are programmed (as Rx) and then these can be scaled to suit any athlete's abilities.  Often it will be the weights and reps that are scaled but there can also be other movements subbed in for those which are Rx (as is often the case with HSPU).  I forgot Rx in the glossary.

The first time I did DT was a while ago, at a noon class with our resident celebrity coach Adam Davidson.  I loaded 135# on the bar and started the WOD, struggling to complete 2 rounds.  I then stripped off 20# to be at 115# and slowly finished.  This was over a year ago, but I will have to dig to find the exact date.

First round, I did the deadlifts unbroken but once I got to the Hang Cleans, my grip wasn't right.  Did a couple of awkward reps before dropping the bar and resetting properly.  The weight was not an issue for me on the cleans, which is where most people have trouble.  The trick with DT is to plan your rest properly.  Coach Howard recommended resting after the 11th deadlift so that your 12th can transition to a hang clean and resting after your 8th clean so that the 9th gets the bar up into the rack position for jerks.  I made sure to strictly follow this.  My rounds were broken up in the following way:

R1: Deadlift: 12, Hang Cleans: 3-5-1, Jerks: 6
R2: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 5-3-, Jerks: 3-3
R3: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 5-3-1, Jerks: 3-3
R4: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 6-3, Jerks: 6
R5: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 5-3-1, Jerks: 6

Time: 13:12

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