Thursday, 21 November 2013

Rosetta Stone - CrossFit edition

I apologize to anyone who is not CrossFit literate.  Speaking the endless acronyms on a daily basis with other people who are proficient in CrossFit lingo sometimes makes me forget that not everyone understands what it is we are talking about.

Here is a list of most-often used acronyms from off the top of my head. You can read a full list here if you really want to immerse yourself.

AMRAP: As many rounds/reps as possible
Benchmark WOD: A standardized WOD usually used to measure progress.
BW: Bodyweight
CTB: Chest to Bar
EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute
Hero WOD: A WOD designed in commemoration of a fallen soldier, police officer, etc.
HSPU: Handstand Pushup (Handstand, bend arms until your head touches the ground and re-extend)
KB: Kettlebell (A sphere of metal with a handle)
OHS: Overhead Squats (Full squat with arms locked out overhead holding barbell)
PR: Personal Record (The most important acronym)
RM: Rep Max (For example 3RM is the most weight you can lift thrice)
T2B: Toes to Bar (Hanging off the pull-up bar, touch both feet to the bar by folding at the waist)
WOD: Workout of the Day

An example of a benchmark WOD is Diane, which is 21-15-9 of Deadlift (225#) and HSPU for time. This means that in the first round, 21 deadlifts are completed and then 21 HSPU.  Second round is 15 deadlifts and 15 HSPU.  Finish with 9 of each.  Your score for this workout would be the time it took to complete from start to finish.  There are sometimes time caps on workouts just so that there is an end to the misery.

Another format of workout is an AMRAP.  Essentially, there will be a series of movements and a time cap.  For example, "Jack" is a 20-min AMRAP of 10 push press, 10 kb swing and 10 box jumps.  In an AMRAP, when you finish the "round" or series of movements, you start again from the beginning as often as possible until time expires.  A score for this workout could be 5 rounds plus 10 reps.

That should cover the basics.  Most everything will be explained as it comes up.  Please, post questions or need for clarification to the comments so that I can make this accessible!

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