Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thursday, November 28th 2013

Finally a morning with lots of sleep.  Felt good going to the gym today.  Plus, I always look forward to a good leg day on Thursday.

Snatch Grip Deadlift OR Snatch Pulls 3 sets of 3

Back Squat: 3RM

Finally, some time to work on the Snatch.  I chose the pulls, because my biggest problem on the last max attempt we did was that I had a poor 3rd pull (and probably 2nd too).  I had never done Snatch pulls before, so I looked forward to learning.  Biggest coaching cue I took away from it was to bring my elbows up and not back.  Also have to focus on finishing the extension upwards rather than leaning back.  Hopefully some more work on these will help me have a breakthrough next time we go heavy on the Snatch.

Ah, Back Squats.  Possibly my favorite thing to do in the gym, although Front Squats are closing in.  Started with a couple of warm up sets at 135-185-225.  Then went to 235 and then 265.  I had hit 275 within the last couple of weeks for 3, and I knew I had more in the tank.  I got 285 for 3 and then, not surprisingly, I got greedy.  I loaded an even 300 on the bar, which would not only be a new best but also more than my current 1RM (295).  Unracked it, felt good.  Went down and up for 1 rep (Woo - New 1RM).  Went down for a second rep and stuck on the way back up.  I felt myself go downwards a touch and, of no fault to my spotter, dumped the bar.  Forward.  It was some weird, ninja bar dump but it was also really dangerous and a terrible idea.  Wouldn't ever recommend anyone doing it.  But at the end of the day, happy with a new 1RM and new 3RM.

10 Min AMRAP

10 wallballs
4-5-6-7-8-9... of pull-ups

In this one, we did 10 Wallballs every round followed by an increasing amount of pullups.  10 wallballs and 4 pullups.  10 wallballs and 5 pullups.  Following that pattern until the timer ran out.  Wallballs are one of my favorite movements (may or may not having something to do with my love of squats) so every set of 10 was unbroken and quick.  Pullups were not so good today, partly because my hands are just sore.  First couple of sets I did unbroken, but then got into small sets, which is frustrating.  Overall, Wallballs just provided a short break from pull-ups.  I finished the round involving 12 pullups and got 10 Wallballs+3 pullups of the next round.  I'm happy with that but would like to be stringing together more pullups.

Wednesday, November 27th 2013

Unplanned absence from the gym on Tuesday morning after a late night, so that explains the no post.  One of the biggest downfalls of working out at 5:30 is that it can be really tough to wake up.

Yes, you read the title right.  I went to the gym (again) on a Wednesday.  I hate to admit it but I think that WOD Wednesday is growing on me, since metabolic conditioning is something that I should (not want to) work on.  That, and Botch convinced me.

16 Min AMRAP (Teams of 2)
Partner A completes one full round and then Partner B completes one full round

1 Rope Climb
2 Box Jumps 30"
3 Deadlifts @ 225#
4 T2B
5 Thrusters @ 95#

Score: 17 rounds.

Me and Botch teamed up for this one, not that I really had much of a choice since there were 4 of us at the gym.  All kidding aside, I really like working with him because he always pushes the pace.  Before starting, he wanted to aim for :30 rounds, which I thought was just a tad ambitious.  He started off the WOD and his round took just over :40, so the original plan was already out the window.  We kept a good pace throughout the WOD, with his rounds somewhere around :45-:50 and mine at about or just over a minute.

Rope climbs were excellent for about the first 4 rounds until my technique went downhill.  So bad that after we finished, Alex made a point to tell me how much my technique sucked when I got tired.  I agreed, for sure, but insisted I was happy with the progress I'd made on the first 4 rope climbs.  Box jumps were not a problem for us at all.  Deadlifts are probably Botch's best movement but I found myself taking a few extra seconds to set up properly because of a fear of hurting my back.  The setup was worth it - no back pain post-WOD.  I don't really like the T2B simply for the fact that I have yet to be able to link them one after the other.  Just means more time hanging on the bar, which is harder on the hands.  Thrusters were pretty easy, especially with the thought of rest in mind.

Overall, really good WOD, with a good partner. I feel like I'm getting better at these ones.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday, November 25th 2013

I don't think it was a good idea to go to the gym this morning.  I had my first soccer game of the season last night from 10-11pm, so I got home at 11:30 and couldn't fall asleep until after 1.  I barely got up on time but I did drag myself there.

5 Rounds of:
2 Split Jerks at 70-75%
Rest 90 secs
5 Front Squats at same weight ^
Rest 90 secs

Then 4-4-4-4 Deficit Deadlifts

I worked at 70%, which was 175lbs for me.  Jerks were alright and I got to work on some technique.  Common comment from coach Howard was to bend my back leg and I will have to keep practicing that.  The front squats felt tough this morning, but I blame that partially on my sore legs from running around late last night.  I forewent the deadlifts because my legs were already dead and I saw that the WOD was not going to be foregiving.

8 min AMRAP
Ascending ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12 etc. of:
Squat Cleans 135lbs

So this WOD is basically get as far up the ladder as you can in 8 minutes.  I knew it was going to be painful, as just the volume of squat cleans alone is tough.  I managed to keep pace quite well with Botch, he was just a couple of reps ahead of me.  I finished the round of 10 and got 7 squat cleans in the next.  The squat cleans were not easy, from start to end.  As time elapsed, I found myself doing singles just from being tired of squatting the weight.  The burpees were no fun at all but I kept a slow and steady mentality for those.  Overall, not the most fun WOD ever but I think I could have gotten a much better score if I had gotten an appropriate amount of sleep last night.

Not sure what the future plan will be for Monday mornings.  Tough to workout after playing late at night and I want to go 100% if I'm going to be at the gym or else it's just wasting time.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Friday, November 22nd 2013

Christmas came early.  Received the massive supplement order last night that I'd put in for a few different people so distribution was today.  I even washed all the shaker cups we'd ordered because I'm a great person.


5 Rounds of:

5 Strict Press
Rest 60secs
5 Strict Pull-ups
Rest 60 secs

These are two things that I can use lots of work on.  The strict press, and all press work for that matter, has been important for me in building upper body strength for movements like HSPU that I covered yesterday.  Did all five sets at 115#, which was a little challenging near the end but manageable.  The strict pull-ups are something I have struggled with a lot.  Looking way back to when I started CrossFitting, I had to use bands with lots of assistance to get a few reps in.  The progress I have made is good as I'm up to 3-4 strict pull-ups without a band now.  For this, I knew I would need some help so I enlisted the red band at first and then blue.  The blue was in rough shape so me and Kamil came to the conclusion that it was helping as much as advertised.  Placebo effect is good nonetheless.

Hero WOD: "DT"
5 rounds
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

Use a single bar for all movements.  155# is Rx, scale weight as needed.

Just a quick note here: Rx means as prescribed.  It is basically the way workouts are programmed (as Rx) and then these can be scaled to suit any athlete's abilities.  Often it will be the weights and reps that are scaled but there can also be other movements subbed in for those which are Rx (as is often the case with HSPU).  I forgot Rx in the glossary.

The first time I did DT was a while ago, at a noon class with our resident celebrity coach Adam Davidson.  I loaded 135# on the bar and started the WOD, struggling to complete 2 rounds.  I then stripped off 20# to be at 115# and slowly finished.  This was over a year ago, but I will have to dig to find the exact date.

First round, I did the deadlifts unbroken but once I got to the Hang Cleans, my grip wasn't right.  Did a couple of awkward reps before dropping the bar and resetting properly.  The weight was not an issue for me on the cleans, which is where most people have trouble.  The trick with DT is to plan your rest properly.  Coach Howard recommended resting after the 11th deadlift so that your 12th can transition to a hang clean and resting after your 8th clean so that the 9th gets the bar up into the rack position for jerks.  I made sure to strictly follow this.  My rounds were broken up in the following way:

R1: Deadlift: 12, Hang Cleans: 3-5-1, Jerks: 6
R2: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 5-3-, Jerks: 3-3
R3: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 5-3-1, Jerks: 3-3
R4: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 6-3, Jerks: 6
R5: Deadlift: 6-5-1, Hang Cleans: 5-3-1, Jerks: 6

Time: 13:12

Thursday, November 21st 2013

I love Thursdays.  They usually involve some heavy lower body work, which I would say is in my strengths.  5:30am is the time I train most often, as I hadn't mentioned it before.  I choose this time even when I don't have another commitment early in the morning because it holds me accountable.  There are very, very few times where I have something else to do at this time, except maybe sleep but that is negotiable.  I've also grown attached to the other people who train at this time.  As far as I understand, we are a known as the crazy people who train before everyone else is awake and generally it is always the same people who come in at either 5:30 or 6:30.  Good times.

3set of 3 Back Squats.

Then drop the weight by 20% and do 3 sets of 10 reps non-stop Back Squats

The first Back Squats were all supposed to be at the same weight but I think that increasing weight in each set shouldn't be a problem.  I have a (bad?) habit of being conservative on my lifts and have only recently been getting over a mental hump of heavy lifting.  Some positive self-talk always helps in the gym.

First set was 255 and moved quickly.  Did 265 on the second set with no issues and finished at 275 for 3 reps.  I could have maybe gone a little heavier but still felt good considering my current PR is 295.

The 10 reps non-stop were non-fun.  What I enjoy about most of the strength work we do in the gym is that there aren't many reps.  Taking 20% off of 275 brought me to 220 so I did that for my first 2 sets.  3rd set I decided to go up to 225 and it was manageable.

10min AMRAP
3 Deadlifts at 245
9 T2B

(Please consult my Rosetta Stone post if you need clarification on lingo)

I wanted to cop-out on the deadlifts but Alex (our awesome coach!) didn't let me and insisted on 245.  I knew that HSPU were manageable and T2B would be their usual not-too-difficult-but-slow selves.

I managed 5 rounds + 10 reps.  Deadlifts, which are not my favorite, went well.  I find the first lift to always be the hardest so I would convince myself to just do all 3 reps unbroken once I was holding onto the bar.  All of the HSPU sets were unbroken, which was both a surprise to me and Alex.  I have struggled learning them because of my lack of upper body strength coupled with the fact that I'm a pretty big guy.  It must be the programming at the gym because they've magically become much more enjoyable.  I tried to keep the T2B in sets of 3 on coach's recommendation.  I don't really have trouble doing a few reps in succession but I can't yet link them together quickly.  It goes without saying that the more time spent hanging onto the bar, the more your grip is being taxed.

All around, fun workout but I felt like I spent the entire time on T2B.  I suppose it is a good thing to work on your weaknesses, though.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Rosetta Stone - CrossFit edition

I apologize to anyone who is not CrossFit literate.  Speaking the endless acronyms on a daily basis with other people who are proficient in CrossFit lingo sometimes makes me forget that not everyone understands what it is we are talking about.

Here is a list of most-often used acronyms from off the top of my head. You can read a full list here if you really want to immerse yourself.

AMRAP: As many rounds/reps as possible
Benchmark WOD: A standardized WOD usually used to measure progress.
BW: Bodyweight
CTB: Chest to Bar
EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute
Hero WOD: A WOD designed in commemoration of a fallen soldier, police officer, etc.
HSPU: Handstand Pushup (Handstand, bend arms until your head touches the ground and re-extend)
KB: Kettlebell (A sphere of metal with a handle)
OHS: Overhead Squats (Full squat with arms locked out overhead holding barbell)
PR: Personal Record (The most important acronym)
RM: Rep Max (For example 3RM is the most weight you can lift thrice)
T2B: Toes to Bar (Hanging off the pull-up bar, touch both feet to the bar by folding at the waist)
WOD: Workout of the Day

An example of a benchmark WOD is Diane, which is 21-15-9 of Deadlift (225#) and HSPU for time. This means that in the first round, 21 deadlifts are completed and then 21 HSPU.  Second round is 15 deadlifts and 15 HSPU.  Finish with 9 of each.  Your score for this workout would be the time it took to complete from start to finish.  There are sometimes time caps on workouts just so that there is an end to the misery.

Another format of workout is an AMRAP.  Essentially, there will be a series of movements and a time cap.  For example, "Jack" is a 20-min AMRAP of 10 push press, 10 kb swing and 10 box jumps.  In an AMRAP, when you finish the "round" or series of movements, you start again from the beginning as often as possible until time expires.  A score for this workout could be 5 rounds plus 10 reps.

That should cover the basics.  Most everything will be explained as it comes up.  Please, post questions or need for clarification to the comments so that I can make this accessible!

Wednesday, November 20th 2013

I'm going to try and not ruin the surprise for people going to the gym later in the day, but that is assuming that people will actually read what I write.

Wednesdays are my arch-nemesis at the gym, save maybe for dips.  As a way to break up the week, there is no "strength" portion of our class coupled with a longer-than-usual WOD which are frequently done with a partner.

Botch had texted me Tuesday night to train on Wednesday.  I am not a fan of Wednesdays at the gym, and I do not tend to hide that.  It breaks up my week with a rest day and I get to avoid weaknesses, what better combination.  Anyways, Botch convinced me that he needed a partner so I caved and attended.

First horrible realization came when Alex was writing the WOD on the board and there was no teamwork.  Suffering through a long WOD alone was exactly what I had secretly hoped for.  Ha.

Hero WOD "Jack"
20 Min AMRAP
10 Push Press @ 115
10 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg
10 Box Jumps @ 24"

Score: 10 rounds + 17 reps.

To say that this WOD sucked would be an understatement.  I felt like it should have been over at about the halfway point, but I marched on.  The push presses were all over the place.  Sometimes I did all 10 unbroken, other times 5-5 and even a few 5-3-2.  Kettlebell swings are also on the "to be avoided" list, as they often cause problems with my grip and lower back.  I sincerely try to use my legs and posterior chain but I always get a certain pain in my back.  Box jumps were a breeze, as usual, and I was able to "bounce" all of them.  Bouncing is when there is no rest on the floor, basically jumping down from the box and bouncing back up.

Botch's score: 11+10.  He started much faster than me but my steady pace almost caught up to him.

Don't know if I will ever go to the gym on a Wednesday again after this treachery.

First post!

I believe an introduction is in order.

My intention with this blog is to chronicle my experiences in the gym.  The ups, the downs, the PRs and the misses.  Everything.  I workout at Physics CrossFit in Ottawa, Ontario.

Having always been on a few different sports teams growing up, I thought that I was relatively in shape.  There was no dedication to training associated with these sports, so I was only active a couple of times a week at most.  That is where CrossFit comes into the mix.

Isabelle and Francois Leclerc opened the gym in September 2011, and it took me a few months to warm up to the idea of pushing my mind and body in a way that CrossFit is typically known for.  My first workout was brutal, to say the least.  As is the case with most beginners, my legs were not properly functioning for almost an entire week.  Come to think of it, neither was the rest of my body.

It was an on and off thing for about a year.  I would be consistent for a while and then when summer came around I was either travelling or my work schedule conflicted with the gym.  Four month breaks from the gym are not exactly conducive to progress.

After having been off this past summer because of work, I am now back and more committed than ever.  This blog will serve to track my progress of goals and hopefully provide some anecdotes to accompany my daily musings at the gym.